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Design Practice 

The designs below were used to learn the different concepts of design and how to use adobe suite. Next to each design I will explain what I learned and what part of Adobe I used.  

Type as Image 

For this design I was given three words that I needed to create a design for. The designs needed to be conceptual, typographic, use scale, weight, and posture, and be able to use composition. For the word bundle my idea was to wrap the words like a bundle of sticks, for the word skip I wanted to show the idea skipping rope, and for separate I wanted to feel like it was simple and far from each other. 

Type as Image

Type Hierarchy 

For this design I created a visual layout with hierarchy. I used visual cues to show how a person should read the resume. Some of the requirements of this assignment was to use only two typefaces, only use black, white, and one other color, and it should only consist of basic graphic elements. 

Type Hierarchy

Text with Image 

For this design I was practicing the use of combing image and text. For this design I had to use the images provided including the logo. I could only use two type faces. The overall goal of this design is communicate exploration. I did this by showing an astronaut in space. By having a simple black background it makes the design feel like there is more to explore in space. 

Text With Image

Color and Emotion 

Combing what I have learned from the other assignments which includes composition, typography, and color, I created this assignment. For this assignment I chose song lyrics that were the opposite of each other and created a design to make the user feel a certain emotions. For the black background image I was trying to portray mysterious and dark. For the second image which was partially a blue background I tried to portray the emotions sadness and drowning. 

This was from the song Daft Pretty Boys by Bad Suns.

Color and Emotion
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